Featured Speaker: Debbie Groff

Debbie Groff

Debbie Groff has been a child care provider in her own home, a therapist in preschool setting, a child care center licensor, a child care licensing supervisor, an area administrator, and a member of the technical assistance training team for the Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) in Washington State. Currently, Debbie is the child care deputy senior administrator for DCYF, where she oversees Outdoor Nature-Based Child Care Licensing in Washington. In 2021, Washington State became the first state to permanently license outdoor, nature-based programs for preschool and school-age children. Debbie’s passion for adventure in the great outdoors, paired with her passion for quality early learning environments, enables her to promote the endless benefits for children, families, providers, and DCYF staff, in licensed outdoor, nature-based learning programs.